UPTET Books 2024 – Best Books for UPTET Paper 1 & 2
Are you looking for the Best Books for UPTET Exam Preparation 2024 for all Subjects? UP basic education organizes two times this exam every year. If you really interested to get a job as a teacher in Uttar Pradesh you will have to qualify for the UPTET exam. As you all know about the syllabus of the UPTET exam 2024 so we skip this topic. Only we discuss important books for the UPTET exam 2024 in Hindi. In this article, we disclose the most important UPTET practice sets for you. The main thing to get success in the UPTET or CTET. For this success, you must have the right study materials. That is why we are sharing the list of all important books for the UPTET exam in 2022 like Mathematics, Environmental, Hindi, Child Development & Pedagogy, English, Social Science, Urdu, etc.
Best Books for UPTET in Hindi
The details of this article cover all important books listed for both exam paper -1 and Paper – 2. We have narrated in detail the best UPTET book preparation. Read the full article for complete info. For your help, I have added all books in Hindi for those who are Hindi Medium aspirants except English. To make your exam we have included upset best books in Hindi. Because upset books in Hindi are the best study materials to understand easily.
इन किताबो को खरीदिये और तैयारी शुरू कीजिये आज से ही
1. Best UPTET Hindi Book
Book Name – Hindi Bhasha, Publisher – Dimond Power Learning. This book covers all important questions of Hindi the level of CTET and UPTET. Many qualified aspirants recommend this book for preparation. It includes all the latest syllabi of UPTET and provides abundant questions. You can find practice sets along with the previous year’s question paper. So you should buy this Hindi book for the UPTET exam 2024. The writer used very simple language to understand. Overall this is the best book on Hindi subjects. It is the best book for the UPTET exam 2024 PDF. Yah up tet ke liye best book ise jaroor khareediye.
- Most recommended by expert
- Previous year solved questions
- Detailed topic with MCQs.
- Many Practice sets are in this.
- Qualified candidates suggest this book.
2. Best English Book for UPTET
This is the best English book for UPTET and CTET exams. Most of the qualified candidates, Experts and teachers have suggested to the students to study with this book. Arihant experts have designed this book for you. And all the latest syllabus is included in this book. Look at the points which you will get in this.
- Simple English Language used.
- 1500+ Multi choice questions
- 5 Practice sets with the latest syllabus.
- Useful for CTET, UPTET, HTET, UTET, CGTET, and all other state TETs.
- Previous Years’ Solved Papers.
- Best for TET Paper 1 & 2.
3. UPTET Environmental Book
Drishti Publication has released this Paryavaran Book for the UPTET and CTET exams OF 2024. All lessons are very specific for your exam on the environment. You can get the most important objective environmental questions for the teaching exams. Editors have used very simple language that can be understood easily. There are three mock tests in these books. The writer has explained each question in detail. That is why you must read this book because many qualified candidates have recommended this book. To learn in less time and have a good command of the environment you must use up tet books in Hindi.
- All latest syllabi included.
- Multiple questions were added in this.
- Previous year questions in this book.
- Simple Language + Mock Test.
- Best for UPTET, CTET, MTET, Bihar TET.
- Best for both Paper 1&2
4. Best Books for Arithmetical and Number Ability
The publication is S. Chandra and the writer is R.S Agrawal book named Quantitative books. Mathematics is only one subject that gives 100% marks in the competitive exam if you do all right. This is the best mathematics book for all types of govt job preparation from bottom to top exams. All questions are in objective form with solutions. If you have a good command of maths this would be the best book for UPTET mathematics exams. Writers have added the mock test, Practice sets along with the previous year’s questions paper of UPTET exam 2024. Buy this book and start preparation soon. This book contains the Hindi language along with easy language so we recommend you use this mathematics best book for UPTET preparation in Hindi.
“You can buy the Youth Publication Math for UPTET”
- It has more than 3800 questions.
- With close to 6000 solved examples.
- Based on the latest UPTET Syllabus.
- Best for all CTET, And TET exams including UPTET.
- Previous Years questions.
Best Math for UPTET
If you want to buy the math book for UPTET. Buy the Youth Publication math for the UPTET exam 2024. Most of the coaching and educational expert suggested this book to buy for the UPTET exam 2024. This is another selling UPTET math book. Buy now from below.
- 1500 Objective questions
- Best for CTET and UPTET
- Previous year solved Paper.
- All questions are based latest syllabus.
- Free practice sets and Mock tests.
Math by Youth Publication | Buy on Amazon |
5. Child Development & Pedagogy Book
Balvikas and Shikshan Shastra is the major subject in teaching exams like CTET, or UPTET. This book provides the latest syllabus-related questions for your exam. For this, you need to have the latest book with an updated syllabus. All questions are in the Hindi medium along with objective questions. Questions are very important and this is the best UPTET book on child development and pedagogy. Purchase this best Child Development and Pedagogy for the UPTET exam 2024. It is another UPTET preparation best book to score a good number in less time.
Why you should buy this?
- Best for CTET and TET, UPTET.
- Previous years solved questions.
- 100 percent useful for UPTET, HTET, MPTET, CGTET, UKTET, HPTET, BTET, PTET.
- Practice sets and Objective questions.
- Covers all (latest pattern & syllabus-wise).
- Disha Publication with 225 Pages.
- ₹ 185/- Only
6. UPTET Best Book for Social Studies
This book covers all important questions according to the latest syllabus of the UPTET exam 2024. IT also contains lots of previous year papers and unsolved Mock tests in accordance with the UPTET exam pattern. All experts suggest buying this social studies book for UPTET exam preparation 2024. The language used by the author is very lucid and easy to understand. The concept of every topic in the UPTET syllabus has been provided in detail throughout the book. You can use this best book for uptet in Hindi online.
Key Points of this Book
- 12 Solved Previous year paper.
- According to Latest Syllabus Pattern.
- 7 Years Questions solved.
- Best for all CTET, TET exams.
- Written in the Hindi Language.
6. Best UPTET Sanskrit Book
There are many books available but which is the best Sanskrit book for UPTET and CTET exams. I would tell you the best book for the UPTET exam of Sanskrit subject is Vijayi Bhav. It includes all the latest pattern related questions of UPTET and CTET. Much qualified education specialist has suggested this book for aspirants of UPTET exam 2024. More than 15 modal previous years solved questions.
- Based latest syllabus of UPTET/CTET
- 15 Practice sets previous years paper.
- Objective questions of Sanskrit questions.

7. UPTET Best Urdu Book
Urdu is a very important subject in the TET and CTET exams whole of India. I would give you the best Urdu books for UPTET and CTET exams including all states TET exams. Urdu is the equivalent of Hindi, Sanskrit, English. Urdu is a very good subject for scoring adequate numbers in the CTET and TET exams. Buy this best Urdu book for TET and CTET exam 2024.
- Based all latest CTET syllabus
- Previous year questions
- Practice sets for all exams
- Object and Descriptive questions.
UPTET Books in English medium
Are you an English medium student of Uttar Pradesh? I have given you below all books of UPTET in English. These are the best English medium UPTET books. All books are very important for all your coming exams like CTET, UPTE, all states TET exam. Below all books are in English except Hindi. So buy these UPTET Books in English Medium. Check the Price for all English Medium UPTET and CTET books.
Hindi | Buy at Amazon |
English | Buy at Amazon |
Mathematics | Buy at Amazon |
Social Studies | Buy at Amazon |
Environmental Studies | Buy at Amazon |
Child Development and Pedagogy | Buy at Amazon |
Q. Which is the Best Hindi book for UPTET Exam?
A. The best UPTET Hindi book in Hindi Bhasha by Diamond Power Learning. This is the most recommended book by experts and qualified candidates.
Q. Which is the best English book for UPTET exam 2024?
A. The Best UPTET English book is “English Language“, by Geeta Sahani of Pearson Publication. It is India’s most selling UPTET English Book for all CTET and TET Exams. Another best English book for UPTET is Arihant Publication.
Q. What is the best mathematics book for UPTET exam 2024?
A. You must buy Mathematics is Quantitative Aptitude by RS Aggarwal, Published by S Chand. You must buy this book online from Amazon because many experts have suggested this mathematics book for UPTET.
Q. Which is the best environmental studies book for UPTET preparation 2024?
A. You should take this Best book for UPTET Environmental Studies in Environmental Studies, by Wiley Publication. India’s most preferred Paryavaran Book for CTET and UPTET exams.
Q. What is the best social studies book for UPTET exam 2024?
A. For getting the success you should buy this best social studies book for the UPTET exam 2024. Purchase “Social Studies by Disha Publication”
Q. Which is the best Sanskrit Book for UPTET Exam 2024?
A. Sarvagya Vibhushan Sanskrit book is the best for the UPTET exam 2024. Another best Sanskrit book for the UPTET exam is Youth Publication. Buy this book now on Amazon