Best Books for UP PGT Exam Preparation 2024 in Hindi
Are you looking for the best books for UP PGT exam preparation for 2024? Recently Uttar Pradesh Education Board has invited students who are interested in becoming teachers after post-graduation. This is a golden opportunity for all aspirant who wants to become lecturers in Uttar Pradesh. This vacancy has come after a long wait. So we recommend you buy these latest books for the UP PGT exam 2023. If you have decided to be selected yourselves, Buy these books and start preparing. We have added those books from which qualified candidates used to crack the PGT and TGT exams state level and Central levels.
All books are very significant for you to crack all types of PGT exams including the Uttar Pradesh Post Graduation Exam 2024. You can make your dream into reality. These books are the latest additions.
Best Motivational Books in Hindi
List of Important UP PGT books
There are many subjects in the PGT exam but you can apply from one subject like Hindi, English, Political Science, Mathematics, and many more. Below we have added each subject exam. Buy these books if you want to get teacher govt jobs in Uttar Pradesh. Look see below for the best up PGT books list according to the subjects.
Best Hindi Book for UP PGT
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All students love this publication book for the PGT exam or lectureship exam. In this book, the writer has updated all the latest questions for the UP PGT exam 2024 or the coming year. The book covers all questions according to the latest syllabus. Along with the previous year, questions are in this book. You will get more than 3300 best Hindi questions for the UP Post-graduation Teacher exam 2024. All questions are with the solution. If you want to be a teacher buy this book and start preparing. This is the best Hindi subject book for the UP PGT exam 2024.
Best Books for UP PGT: English
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English is another important subject in the UP PGT exam. This book is very essential for the post-graduation level particular one exam. So you can prefer this book to study for the UP PGT exam 2024. This book is not only useful for UP PGT but also for all types of PGT exams all over India. According to the editorial, you can get 3500+ objective questions with answers in this book. All questions are the latest and important for your coming exam. You can see the previous year’s question paper with the solution. The writer has narrated all topics in detail along with the objective form. As per the expert, this is the best English book for the UP PGT exam 2024.
Best Books for UP PGT: Sanskrit
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Sanskrit is the most number scoring language of UP PGT. Aspirant always prefers to take Sanskrit subject. Dr Murarilal Agarwal has written this book and last few years aspirants have been selecting this book to crack all types of teaching jobs exams. For making your exam easy you must study with this study material. Expert says it is the best study material for the UP PGT exam 2024. Dr Agrarwal has written this book carefully and included last year’s paper along with the solution. More than 2200 question is solved.
Best Mathematics Book for UP PGT

Mathematics is the only subject that gives you 100% marks on the exam. If you solve all questions in the exam surely you will get sat pratishat marks in your exam. This book is in English medium if you want to get this book in Hindi medium you can purchase those books from Amazon. We have selected all books in both Hindi and English both languages. If you are from Hindi medium student you must buy the book of RS Agarwal mathematics books from Amazon. Overall we can say this is the best mathematics book for the Uttar Pradesh PGT exam.
History Book for UP PGT
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Well, history is an interesting subject at this time. This book is very important for all kinds of PGT (Post Graduation Teacher) exams throughout India. In this book, you will receive the previous year’s paper along with the solved paper. The publisher has created this book carefully and added the most significant questions for the UP PGT exam 2024 and further all types of PGT exams. All questions are in objective form and in very simple language. You can prepare the questions from this book because this is in Hindi. R.K. Singh has written this book to make your exam easy and simple. It is the best study material to crack the exam for UP PGT 2024.
Best Books for UP PGT: Home Science
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Generally, girls prefer this subject but it does not mean only girls or women take this subject. At this time most of the male students are fond of cooking the food and making their careers as a teacher along with experts. The above home science book is the best book for UP PGT and all over India PGT exams. You will get all questions in the practical form as well as in the objective form. The writer has added the most important books for your coming exam. This is the most selling book online and offline. Qualified candidates have told the students to buy this book and start preparation for this important book.
Best Motivational Books in Hindi
Best Economics Books for UP PGT
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Are you searching for the best economics books for the UP PGT exam 2024? In this book, you will find out the most important questions according to the syllabus. The book contains a simple Hindi language of economics. Previous year’s solve questions come in this book. You can buy this book from Amazon. We all know this publication is the best for PGT TGT for all types of exams. All golden questions are very important for your coming exam of UP PGT. There are 10 practice sets to check your eligibility and knowledge of economics.
UP PGT Geography Books

Upkar Prakashan has been serving us last many years in the education field. This company gives us the most important books for all kinds of govt job preparation. We are suggesting you buy this book and start preparing for the coming PGT exam in 2024. In this book, you will get the previous year to solve the paper along with practice sets. This book is based on the latest syllabus so candidates can easily crack the exam. After all, this is the best geography book for the UP PGT exam 2024 and further.
Physics Book for UP PGT
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Do you want to become a lecturer in Physics this is the best book for your coming exam of UP PGT exam 2024. After a long time, this vacancy has come. We are giving you the best choice to select this book and start preparation. The company has included all the important questions for your coming exam. If you are preparing for the job of a teacher this is the best and last choice for the lecturership exam. Overall these are the best books for the UP PGT exam 2024.
Best Books for UP PGT: Chemistry
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Chemistry is the best number-scoring subject in the PGT exam. This is the best chemistry book for the Uttar Pradesh PGT exam. In this book, the writers have included the most important questions in objective form. There are many questions about this. You will get the previous year to solve questions. This is the selling practice set of the UP PGT exam book. All questions are very simple and in the Hindi language. Buy this book to prepare you for all types of PGT exams in India.
Best biology book for UP PGT
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This is in the English language for the UP PGT exam 2024. In this book, you will get all the latest syllabus questions. If you check the online review of this book is better than other companies. The writer has added theory and practical form in this book. Previous year questions are available in these books in objective form. You will get more than 2500 objective questions on the Biology subject. A mock test is available in this book with a solution. This is the best biology book for the PGT exam.
Civics and Political Science for UP PGT
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Civics and Political Science for UP PGT is a major subject to crack the exam in 2024. If you want to become a politics teacher you must try this book to start preparing. Last many years aspirants have preferred to buy this book. In this book, you will get the previous year’s paper along with the solution. There is an objective form for all questions. In this book, you will get practice sets to boost your speed. That is why we recommend these are the best books for the UP PGT exam 2024. Writers have written in very simple language that you can easily understand.
Best Sociology for UP PGT
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Social science is the best subject for the UP PGT exam. If you have completed your Post Graduation in this subject you must apply for this subject. All questions are very important for the UP PGT exam. The previous year’s questions are in this book. All questions are solved. Upkar Publication is the best for PGT TGT books along with the UP TET exam. After all, this is the best book for the UP PGT exam 2024 and further exams.
Physical Education Book for UP PGT
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Physical Education subject teachers are very demand in all Intermediate colleges and schools. If you have completed your MA from this book. Just now buy this book and start preparing. According to the qualified candidates, this is the best Physical education book for your UP PGT exam 2024. There are objective form questions. More than 1000+ questions are found in this book. Buy this book and turn your dream into reality.
Best Agriculture book for UP PGT
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This is the most demanded subject in school and college. Because there are fewer students who have completed post-graduation with these subjects. We have provided you best books for you. This book assists you in scoring good marks on your exam. You will gain more than 5 practice sets along with the previous year’s questions. All questions are very prominent for your coming exam. If you want to become a teacher of Agriculture you must try this book.
Best Books for UP PGT: Art
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Have you decided to become an Art teacher this book would be best for your coming exam. We have selected this book after checking the review and response. There are many questions according to the latest syllabus of PGT syllabus. Buy this book if you really want to become a teacher in the Intermediate or college as a teacher. There are many important questions in this book with previous year’s questions. All questions are objective forms. If you want to become an Art teacher buy this book sure you will be selected as a teacher in an Intermediate college.
Best Manovigyan ( Psychology ) book for UP PGT
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At this time every student prefers to buy books online from Amazon and other platforms. We have selected this book for you. It is the best Manovigyan ( Psychology ) book for your coming exam. This has many important questions for the students. You will get all questions in MCQ format and previous years with a solution. Buy this book and start preparing.
Best Books for UP PGT: FAQs
Q. Which books are the best for UP PGT Exams?
A. Above all books are the most important for the UP PGT exam according to the latest syllabus. Without having any doubts you can purchase these books according to your subject.
Q. How can I buy UP PGT books online?
A. Very simple to buy these books click on the image or below link. From there you can buy these books and start preparing them today.
Q. Which books are perfect for PGT English?
A. The above-given book on English subject is the most important for your coming exam. This is the best only English book for the UP PGT exam.
Q. What are the best books for preparing for UP PGT Mathematics?
Mathematics subject is the most important for scoring 100% number from the above book. Above mathematics, the book is best for the UP PGT exam. Buy today.
Q. What are the best books for the UP PGT in education?
Education is the best subject in the UP PGT exam. We have listed this book also in this article. Check the list of books for the UP PGT Exam.