Best Books for SSC CGL Subject Wise Paper 1 & 2
SSC CGL Best Books 2024
If you are searching for the Best Books for SSC CGL 2024 exam preparation tiers 1&2. We have brought the list of the most recommended books by SSC exam experts. After much research and review online and offline. As you all know that CGL exam is India level exam and many aspirants participate in this competitive exam. But few of them crack this exam, Here only the best books play vital roles in this exam. Without having good study materials for SSC CGL Exam 2024. This is not as easy as candidates think. So always pay more attention and do research after taking any type of SSC CGL Book.
Everyone knows that there are two types of the SSC CGL Exam tier 1 and tier 2. But books are used the same as per the qualified candidates. Books are the best resources to prepare for exams. It helps the candidates to build in-depth knowledge before appearing for the exam. Thus, selecting the right book will be helpful to crack the SSC CGL 2024 examination. We have come up with a subject-wise book list of SSC CGL.
As per the latest syllabus of SSC CGL 2024, these are English, Reasoning, and General Awareness (GA) Quant. If you want to know the difficulty level of the SSC CGL exam. Candidates must solve the previous year’s questions paper. Or you can use the Mock Test along with practice. What are the best books for SSC CGL Exam 2024 candidates must check a few points as given below before buying the Staff Selection Commission Combined Graduation Level exam Books.
What to Check Before Buying the Books?
- Check the syllabus before buying the books
- Always purchase the latest edition of books
- Buy such books which help for both tier
- Follow easy language books
- Always purchase in such language that you are comfortable with.
SSC CGL Best Books 2024
SSC CGL Syllabus is very comprehensive and important. So candidates can check the all latest syllabus and exam patterns before buying the SSC CGL Best Books 2024. In this exam, each and every subject is very significant to score the number. The aspirant should always follow the comprehensive books where all types of topics are included. Below we have listed the best SSC CGL books according to the subjects, such as the best reasoning book for SSC CGL and so on. Last few years SSC is changing the minor in the syllabus and exam.
Purchase those books which are used by the qualified candidate or expert suggestions. Therefore vital books plays the important role in your exam. Always purchase those SSC CGL Books which contain the complete syllabus based on the latest exam pattern. To make your exam easy and simple Jankari Hub has launched the 1500+ GK Questions collection for your exam.
SSC CGL Books For English
For getting a good number in SSC CGL Exam 2024 tier 1 and tier 2. The aspirants must buy the suggested books by Qualified candidates. Candidates must have a good command of grammar, comprehension, and vocabulary. There we have given the list of the most important English Books for SSC CGL 2024 Paper 1 and Paper 2. As per the records, the below books are best for all types of SSC exams in India. Qualified candidates also suggested buying these books. In order to score well in English take at least two books from the below list.
If you are looking for the most effective English books for SSC CGL Exam. You can purchase any of the two SSC CGL English books below table because these books have been suggested by experts and qualified candidates. That is why once check these tables English SSC CGL Books are on Amazon.
Objective General English: SP Bakshi | Buy on Amazon |
Competitive General English: Kiran | Buy on Amazon |
From Plinth to Paramount: Neetu Singh | Buy on Amazon |
Quick Learning Objective General English: RS Aggarwal | Buy on Amazon |
Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension: Arun Singh | Buy on Amazon |
Best Books for SSC CGL 2024 Reasoning
According to the Reasoning teacher and subject expert. Reasoning is the best subject to score a good number in the exam. But it needs more time and practice to get a good score in this exam. There are many books for SSC CGL but which one is the best? This is the major question in our preparation of which publication and writers’ books are the best for the SSC CGL Exam 2024. Below the table, we have added the most significant books list that would be best for your SSC CGL exam 2024. These books have been suggested and recommended by the expert.
The below book contains all the latest syllabi of SSC CGL 2024 and the previous year’s question papers. After solving these book questions you would be eligible to crack any type of SSC exam including SSC CGL 2024. The language of these books is very simple and valuable for you. As per the subject expert, these books would help you in the SSC CGL exam. Now candidates can buy at least two books to make their reasoning strong.
Modern Approach to Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning: RS Agrawal | Buy On Amazon |
Analytical Reasoning: MK Pandey | Buy On Amazon |
How to Prepare for Logical Reasoning: Arun Sharma | Buy On Amazon |
Logical and Analytical Reasoning: AK Gupta | Buy On Amazon |
Reasoning Previous Year All Questions: Kirant | Buy On Amazon |
If you are searching for the best reasoning books for SSC CGL in Hindi. Most of the Hindi-speaking state aspirants prefer to buy the SSC CGL Reasoning books in Hindi. To purchase the SSC CGL reasoning books in Hindi. Check Price on Amazon
Best Books for SSC CGL 2024 Mathematics
To make a strong subject of mathematics you need to have prominent mathematics books with you. Mathematics is the subject that provides 100% marks in all kinds of exams. Candidates can judge the same time right and wrong answers because in Mathematics there is no guess idea. So mathematics needs more and more practice to secure a good number in SSC CGL. The below books are very essentials for your exam SSC CGL 2024. A list of the below math books is most recommended by the subject expert.
This is not only the best mathematics book for SSC GCL paper one but also for paper 2. You can use these math books for your coming SSC CGL Exam. Each and every point are included in these books. Just practice adequately to acquire a good score from the below books.
Quantitative Aptitude: R.S Agarwal | Buy on Amazon |
SSC Elementary and Advanced Maths: Kiran | Buy on Amazon |
Magical Book on Quicker Maths: M Tyra | Buy on Amazon |
Advance Maths: Rakesh Yadav | Buy on Amazon |
Read This: Buy all the Above best SSC CGL Mathematics books in Hindi on Amazon
Best Books for SSC CGL 2024 General Knowledge
To purchase the best SSC CGL General Knowledge books you have to follow a few steps. General Knowledge is a subject that changes always regularly. This is a very tough task to select the most important General Knowledge Books for the SSC CGL exam 2024. To crack SSC CGL Exam on the first attempt General Knowledge books play a vital role in your exam. In view of the candidate’s requirement, we have given the most important books list of General Knowledge.
NCERT Books of Class X, XII- History, Geography, Economics | Buy on Amazon |
General Knowledge: Arihant | Buy on Amazon |
Manorama Yearbook: Manorama | Buy on Amazon |
General Knowledge: Manohar Pandey | Buy on Amazon |
Dear friends the given books list are the best for SSC CGL Exam preparation for 2024 tier 1 & 2 both. All books have been suggested and recommended by qualified candidates and well-trained faculty of SSC. The major points in all the above vital books are the same Chapter wise, Objective, practice sets, previous year’s paper, questions with year and so on. Think you buy these books and start preparation regularly sure you would be selected in SSC as an officer post.
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How to Prepare SSC CGL Exam?
To prepare for the SSC CGL exam 2024. You have to follow these steps in your study or daily routines. We have given the best tips and tricks for SSC CGL exam preparation. Follow the below links to implement in your study.
- First of all, read the latest syllabus and pattern
- Buy the best books for SSC CGL Exam 2024.
- Always purchase the latest edition of books
- Purchase the previous year’s question bank books
- Make short notes to practice daily
- Solve at least one Mock test or practice set regularly
- Study at least 10 hours daily
- Focus on the weak subjects and give them more time
- maintain your health and diet to become fit
- Follow the best YouTube channel to practice daily.